
If You're Done With the Shame, Guilt and Drama of Dieting and
You're Ready to Lose the Weight for the LAST TIME, Then...

If You're Done With the Shame, Guilt and Drama of Dieting and
You're Ready to Lose the Weight for the LAST TIME, Then...

It's Time For You to
Become An Empowered Eater

Give me 8 weeks and I'll give you the step-by-by process to make healthy eating an unstoppable habit so that you can...

Put an end to the yo-yo cycle of dieting

Feel powerful and confident in your body

...and get life-changing results from a plan that fits YOUR life.

Let me know if any of this sounds familiar...

You've tried everything from Weight Watchers to South Beach to Keto to Intermittent Fasting...

It works for a little while but then something happens that throws you off track — a holiday, a weekend trip, a stressful week at work.

You eat a little dessert, then have a little wine, then a slice of pizza and before you know it, you haven't looked at a vegetable in weeks. You're bloated and have gained back the 10 pounds you lost...yet again.

If this sounds like you, I need you to know something:


There is nothing wrong with your willpower, or motivation, or metabolism.

And that thing you've been looking for to finally create sustainable weight loss...

It isn't found in another diet or juice cleanse.

The average woman spends 17 YEARS dieting and has tried or will try 126 FAD DIETS over the course of her lifetime.

So, when will Enough be Enough? Because...

Clearly, diets are NOT fixing the problem. They're only making it WORSE.

Bottom line, the only way to lose weight and keep it off for good is to,

STOP repeating Broken Strategies.

And to STOP believing the lies Diet Culture has fed you for YEARS that...

If you just tried harder,
If you just had more discipline,
If you just wanted it bad enough,
If you were just a little smaller, leaner, more toned...

THEN you would finally be worthy of living the life you really want.

But you are NOT weak.

You are NOT broken.

And you DON'T need to "fix" or "shrink" yourself in order to be good enough.

What you need to do is...

And to STOP believing the lies Diet Culture has fed you for YEARS that...

If you just tried harder,
If you just had more discipline,
If you just wanted it bad enough,
If you were just a little smaller, leaner, more toned...

THEN you would finally be worthy of living the life you really want.

But you are NOT weak.

You are NOT broken.

And you DON'T need to "fix" or "shrink" yourself in order to be good enough.

What you need to do is...




The Empowered Eating Blueprint isn't another "weight loss program" like all the others you may have tried.

...It's a complete transformational process that will change you...

From a fed up and frustrated Dieter

To a Confident and Empowered Eater

8 Training Modules that will turn everything you think about healthy eating and weight loss completely on its head, so that you can see how successful, empowered women actually achieve their goals.

6 LIVE Group Coaching Sessions to give you the support, clarity and answers you need for your unique journey.

Personalized Coaching and Habit Tracking inside my exclusive client app to keep you accountable in between the live sessions.

A Private Facebook Group for additional support, trainings and community building.

Frameworks and Guidelines that make healthy eating simple and sustainable, even if you don't like to or have time to cook.

A Clear Step-By-Step Process that meets you where you're at and is adaptable to your life.

A Safe and Supportive Community of women just like you, who are ready to say goodbye to the drama of dieting and hello to their most empowered life.

When you enroll in The EMPOWERED EATING BLUEPRINT you'll get access to a step-by-step process to make healthy eating an unstoppable habit, so that you can lose the weight for good while also building the life that you deserve. Plus you'll get personalized coaching so you can confidently apply that process to YOUR unique journey.

Here's What You Can Expect During Our Time Together...

The Empowered Eating Blueprint runs for 8 weeks,
from April 11th to June 9th.

Each week, you'll gain access to a new training module with bite sized lessons that can be completed on your own schedule and at your own pace. Inside these modules, we'll dive deep into the following topics:

Week #1: Creating Your Empowered Eating Vision

  • Get clear on what you want your eating habits and your life to look like in the future, establish a baseline of where you're at now and create a plan to close the gap between the two. 
  • Dig deep to find your "why" which will guide and motivate your journey towards healthier eating.

Week #2: Building a Foundation of Balanced Meals 

  • Learn about macronutrients, portion control and the composition of a healthy plate.
  • Gain the skills to create balanced meals that support your overall health and your healthy weight goals, without rigid tracking or counting calories.

Week #2: Building a Foundation of Balanced Meals 

  • Learn about macronutrients, portion control and the composition of a healthy plate.
  • Gain the skills to create balanced meals that support your overall health and your healthy weight goals, without rigid tracking or counting calories.

Week #3: Streamlining Your Eating Habits 

  • Learn how to automate and systemize your eating habits and establish an eating schedule that aligns with your lifestyle. 
  • Create "go-to" meal options for eating out or on busy days and learn how to plan your meals in advance even if you don't like to or have time to cook.

Week #4: Overcoming Common Challenges

  • Learn strategies to anticipate and overcome common obstacles to healthy eating, so that you can stay on track with your goals.
  • Develop plans that will allow you to maintain your progress, even when life gets busy or stressful.

Week #4: Overcoming Common Challenges

  • Learn strategies to anticipate and overcome common obstacles to healthy eating, so that you can stay on track with your goals.
  • Develop plans that will allow you to maintain your progress, even when life gets busy or stressful.

Week #5: Managing Hunger and Cravings 

  • Learn to differentiate between physical hunger and cravings so that your eating habits are not being driven by emotional triggers. 
  • Develop strategies for deliberate self-care and emotional well-being to ensure that you are taking care of your needs and not always turning to food for comfort.

Week #6: Cultivating Mindful Eating 

  • Learn the principles and practice of mindful eating, allowing you to develop a healthier relationship with food. 
  • Practice savoring the experience of eating and connecting with your body's hunger and fullness cues, so that you can enjoy your favorite treats without guilt.

Week #6: Cultivating Mindful Eating 

  • Learn the principles and practice of mindful eating, allowing you to develop a healthier relationship with food. 
  • Practice eating "just enough", savoring the experience of eating and connecting with your body's hunger and fullness cues, so that you can enjoy your favorite treats without guilt.

Week #7: Taming Your Inner Critic 

  • Gain awareness of unhelpful, critical self-talk and how it impacts your eating habits.
  • Learn how to create a more supportive inner dialogue, allowing you to develop healthier habits and a more positive self-esteem.

Week #8: Looking Back, Looking Forward

  • Reflect on the progress you've made and skills you've gained throughout the program. 
  • Create a plan to stay successful after the program ends.

Week #8: Looking Back, Looking Forward

  • Reflect on the progress you've made and skills you've gained throughout the program. 
  • Create a plan to stay successful after the program ends.

In addition to the EIGHT weekly modules, we'll have SIX Live Group Coaching Sessions where you'll receive personalized guidance to help you overcome your unique challenges. 

And in between our live sessions I'll be supporting you inside our private FB Community as well as my Exclusive Client App.

In addition to the EIGHT weekly modules, we'll have SIX Live Group Coaching Sessions for laser focused coaching to help you get unstuck FAST.


ONE (6-week) exercise program that can be done with no equipment and in 30 minutes or less per session

TWO Recipe E-books with over 25 simple and tasty meal ideas.

Lifetime Access to all program materials so that you can always go back and revisit it in the future.

ONE (30-minute) Private Coaching Call to help you jumpstart your success.

ACT FAST! Doors Close SOON!
April 9th @ 9 pm Pacific / 12 am Eastern
ACT FAST! Doors Close SOON!
Tuesday, April 9th @ 9 pm Pacific / 12 am Eastern


The Empowered Eating Blueprint isn't some cheap 30-day challenge. It's not a once a week check-in with a "coach" who is really just an overpaid cheerleader.

It's a small investment in yourself that pays dividends in your future.

One that will pay you back for the rest of your life by transforming you into a powerful and healthy woman who is at peace with food and confident in her own skin.

It's a transformation that frees you from the Dieter's Mindset — the belief that YOU are the problem and the thing that keeps you beating yourself up — and instead lets you step into a place of control and empowerment in your life.

It's EXACTLY what I teach in my $1000/month private coaching, but since this program is currently in it's BETA phase I'm offering it at a fraction of the cost for you.

And when you weigh all that against the investment and what it will do for you and your future, then it's an easy choice.

So tell me...are you in?

The Empowered Eating Blueprint isn't some cheap 30-day challenge. It's not a once a week check-in with a "coach" who is really just an overpaid cheerleader.

It's a small investment in yourself that pays dividends in your future.

One that will pay you back for the rest of your life by transforming you into a powerful and healthy woman who is at peace with food and confident in her own skin.

It's a transformation that frees you from the Dieter's Mindset — the belief that YOU are the problem and the thing that keeps you beating yourself up — and instead lets you step into a place of control and empowerment in your life.

It's EXACTLY what I teach in my $1000/month private coaching, but since this is the BETA launch of this program I'm offering it at a fraction of the cost for you.

And when you weigh all that against the investment and what it will do for you and your future, then it's an easy choice.

So tell me...are you in?

Just to RECAP...

Here's WHAT YOU GET when you join The Empowered Eating Blueprint today...

The Empowered Eating Blueprint Curriculum with 8 Self Paced Training Modules ($497 value)

8 Weeks of Personalized Coaching and Habit Tracking in My Exclusive Client App ($800 value)

8 Weeks of Support in a Private Facebook Community ($297 value)

6 Interactive LIVE sessions with me on Zoom ($1200 value)

BONUS #1: 1 (6-week) Exercise Program ($200 value) 

BONUS #2: 2 Recipe E-books ($55 value) 

BONUS #3: Lifetime Access to Curriculum Materials and Call Recordings ($497 value) 

BONUS #4: 1 (30-minute) Private Coaching Call ($100 value) 



Just ONE Payment of $297

12 Interactive LIVE sessions with me on Zoom ($1600 value)

8 Weeks of Personalized Coaching and Habit Tracking in My Exclusive Client App ($500 value)

8 Weeks of Coaching in a Private Facebook Community ($297 value)

BONUS #1: 1 (6-week) Exercise Program ($200 value) 

BONUS #2: 2 Recipe E-books ($55 value) 

BONUS #3: Lifetime Access to All Program Materials  ($497 value) 

BONUS #4: 1 (30-minute) Private Coaching Call  ($100 value) 



Just ONE Payment of $297

AND, because I am so confident that this program will truly transform the way you think about and approach healthy eating,

I'm offering a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

My Guarantee to You

Give the Empowered Eating Blueprint your absolute best effort for 21 days. If you're not completely satisfied that I delivered a great program, or if you think that I promised something and didn't deliver, contact me via email at before 6 pm EST on May 2nd, 2024 and I'll give you your money back!

My Guarantee to You

Give the Empowered Eating Blueprint your absolute best effort for 21 days. If you're not completely satisfied that I delivered a great program, or if you think that I promised something and didn't deliver, contact me via email at before 6pm EST on January 25th, 2024 and I'll give you your money back!

Here's What Women Are Saying About Working With Amanda...


Working with Amanda has been a game changer for me because it has caused me to look at everything differently. I've been so accustomed to depriving myself and doing extreme diets over the years that I would drop a lot of weight but then I quickly fall off because it's not sustainable and I've gained even more weight each time. 

But since working with Amanda I've lost over 20 lbs, even though I haven't focused so much on a weight goal because I knew that making these changes would ultimately lead to weight loss. 

Amanda makes it easy by helping you break your goals down into more manageable steps and she checks in on your progress and helps you adjust if something doesn't work, which she does without passing judgment. No one is perfect and she has helped me to be less critical of myself and improve my self awareness. 

I'm very happy with my continued progress and my new outlook on life, but especially with my decision to invest in myself through Amanda's coaching program. She is an expert in her field and a bonus is that she is also really nice and a fun person so I look forward to our coaching sessions.


Laura W.
50, Phoenix

This is the first coaching program I have done. It was a commitment but it was necessary because I would never have stuck to this on my own.

I was having a hard time gaining control of my time, of my decisions and of my lifestyle. My weight was 10-15 lbs more than my norm and I couldn't find the time or the effort to make a healthier lifestyle work.

I am surprised at just how much can change in a few weeks to a few months. My life has changed quite almost a 180 turn. I lost 11 lbs but more so, I feel amazing.

I look in the mirror and I think, damn I look good 😉. 

Geneva L.
35, New York

I had been a victim of "diet culture" in the past and always restricted certain "bad foods" from my diet in order to get results. I would count calories and track macros down to the lemon slice. Then I would off-set my cheat days with 5-6 hours a week at the gym. That was my life on repeat. 

Now my approach to health and wellness has changed so much thanks to working with Amanda. I've learned that a healthy lifestyle shouldn't be based on constant deprivation (no carbs, no dairy, no sugar, etc.), but about balance.

Thanks to Amanda's guidance and support I have a much healthier relationship with food. I feel free from the guilt of not being a "perfect" eater and I've learned to adopt healthy choices and flexible habits that actually make sense for busy people.

Melinda L.
36, New York

I've never done something like this before, but after working with Amanda, I feel empowered and more evolved.

I have learned that I can set goals, put my mind to it and achieve them.

I have a better understanding and command of nutrition, and I approach a lot of situations in life in a less reactive way and from a more 'mindful' and open minded perspective.

I now feel like I have a 'formula' that I can continue to apply to other issues in life and towards future goals."

Marti W.
56, New York

If you've been searching for a realistic and sustainable solution to not only lose weight for good,
but to finally live the happy, healthy and fulfilled live you deserve...well then, here it is.


Join today and receive a total value of $3646 for just ONE payment of $297

Enrollment is LIMITED.

And the investment will NEVER be this low again.

Not sure if EEB is the right fit for you? Book in a clarity call HERE.

ACT FAST! Doors Close SOON!
April 9th @ 9 pm Pacific / 12 am Eastern
ACT FAST! Doors Close SOON!
Tuesday, April 9th @ 9 pm Pacific / 12 am Eastern

Got Questions? I Have Answers.

When do the live calls take place?
Empowered Eating Blueprint Calls

Welcome Party and Onboarding:

Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30-7:30pm EST

Creating Your Empowered Eating Vision (Guided Coaching Session):

Thursday, April 11th at 6:30-7:30pm EST

"Hot Seat" Coaching (Open Coaching Sessions): 

Thursday April 18th at 6:30-7:30pm EST

Thursday, May 2nd at 6:30-7:30pm EST

Thursday, May 16th at 6:30-7:30pm EST

Thursday, May 30th at 6:30-7:30pm EST

Graduation Party and Next Steps:

Thursday, June 6th at 6:30-7:30pm EST

What if I can't make all the calls?

While it is highly encouraged to attend live, recordings for all sessions will be available within 24 hours and you will have lifetime access to the recordings.

Will you be giving me a meal plan?

No, but I WILL be giving you a simple framework to follow that uncomplicates healthy eating and allows you to create a plan that works for YOUR life, YOUR preferences and YOUR goals. And besides...meal plans = just another diet. 

I've tried everything, how do I know this will work for me?

The ONLY person who can guarantee your success is YOU. My role is to support and guide you in reaching your goals, but ultimately it's up to YOU to put in the effort. But I am 100% confident that if you follow the program as written, you WILL see results...which is why I offer a 100% money back guarantee for the first 21 days.

Does this include 1:1 coaching?

Inside the Empowered Eating Blueprint you will have direct access to me and my assistant coaches to ask any and every question you have about your journey. You will receive individualized coaching via the group calls, in our private FB group and inside my exclusive client app.

If you want to skyrocket your results, you can upgrade to the VIP option which gives you everything inside EEB plus 1:1 calls and personalized coaching to help you build healthy habits around exercise, sleep and stress management.

This is a limited offer and there are very few spots available, so if private coaching is important to you, be sure to grab your spot ASAP.

I have a question that isn't answered here.

I want to make sure that you get all the answers you need before you make your decision to join the Empowered Eating Blueprint.

If there's something else you are curious about, shoot me an email at OR book in a quick clarity call HERE and I'll be happy to help answer your questions.

Copyright Kinetic Health and Wellness, LLC 2024

This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Copyright Kinetic Health and Wellness, LLC 2024

This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Reserve Your FREE Seat Now!

Spots are limited. Fill in the form below to save your seat for this LIVE interactive virtual event on September 21st, 2023 @ 6:30pm EST!

*Can't make it live? No worries! All registrants will receive access to the recording within 24 hours of the event*

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